Many of you. In fact probably all of you have no Idea what I look like. I avoid photographs and on facebook, you are only likely to see childhood pictures of me. My theory has always been that I make beautiful things, I don't need to be beautiful. And as far as I am aware, I am not. Just a middle aged, overweight woman who mostly dresses in old clothes, except on special occasions!
Some of my friends over seas have suggested a face to face online (Cringe) and I suppose I will have to actually do it!
I have been doing creative jumpstart, from n*studio and Julie Balzer's class was to make a stencil. From a photograph......Of yourself.
So I did.
Vincent van Gogh painted a huge number of self portraits and when I worked on painting with the masters last year, we were all encouraged to do so. I hadn't got around to it.
Well now I have and although it is a bit nicer than I really am, it's a good start, don't you think?
Even if my ears look like pixie ones!
Happy Creating!